with the right message and a few other components

Ready, fire, aim recruiting won’t grow your real estate team or company.
As in all things you must have the powerful combination of the right message, consistency, measurement, adjusting where needed and relaunch.
I am going to give you the readiness and proper aim so that you can conquer the challenges you may be having in recruiting…and even support you in going to the next level if you have an already successful recruiting initiative.
One of the biggest mistakes in recruiting is not sending something to your prospects prior to calling – or sending the wrong message.
You will dramatically increase your contact to appointment scheduled conversions by sending out an item of value to your prospects prior to making a call.
What you are doing is invoking two critical laws; the law of fair exchange and the law of reciprocity. When we give something of value to someone prior to asking for something in return, an appointment, we are more comfortable asking for the appointment. This is fair exchange.
The law of reciprocity simply states that when someone is given something they feel obligated to give something in return. The return we are looking for again is an appointment. Send something an agent can use in their business today whether a strategy, tip, or even a business plan. There must be NOTHING in the content that promotes you, your company or your team.
Try it and let me know how your contact to appointment scheduled ratio starts to climb.
If your numbers don’t go up dramatically, you will need to take a look at your language patterns when making calls…
Email is dead said the guru
Email is dead if you don’t breathe life into it by marrying it with a calling initiative, you must marry your online activities with a consistent off-line strategy and system. We have launched millions of emails over the last 8 years and here is what we have found.
100% Increase in email open rates when complemented by consistent calls
Start launching items of value to your prospects consistently and make calls behind each email campaign.
Engagement, Conversion to Recruiting Interview and the Hiring of Productive agents will start to increase.