Jon Cheplak is the creator of a system and process that speeds up growth and increases profits through the attraction, development and retention of productive agents…
My favorite part, the page on a website where I talk about all the things I have accomplished in the past and everything I am doing today… that you could really care less about. All you want to know is if I can help you get a result that is better than where your business is today. Well, I said screw that approach and decided to write this page like we are having a conversation.
Anyway – what do you want to know?
I live a very active and healthy life of fun, travel and love the outdoors. I have two awesome grown children with big hearts and they are a little bit wild. Wouldn’t have them any other way.
I’m guessing that’s probably not relevant to why you are here.
Here is what you want to know, Do I want to work with this guy? For many, the answer is NO.

Productivity is not my responsibility… it’s yours.
For some reason, people equate “hire the expert coach” to “solve all your problems and get rich”. I get it. I did the same thing early on in my leadership career. There was just one problem, most of it was theory or antiquated and didn’t work… The biggest frustration most people have when hiring a coach. It all sounds really, really good but does it work over time? That’s what attracted me to become a coach. I actually delivered HUGE results in the area I wanted to coach (more on that later).
I thought hiring a coach was the path to making easy money.
Well, it wasn’t easy money.
I did operate a highly productive and profitable real estate company with consistent revenue coming in every day…but it took lots of work, frustration, and perseverance to get there.
…And it takes continued work.
So if you’re not prepared to commit to more effort than you’re expecting, I’m not your guy.
If you don’t want to consistently recruit and focus on the quality experience of your agents daily, you’re not going to enjoy my stuff.
No, my coaching isn’t focused 100% on recruiting. Remember, I was an operator of an entire multi-office company with numerous responsibilities. But, if you are not willing to do the work to consistently hire productive agents, then we are not a fit. And here’s why I’m telling you this.
…As a matter of fact, it’s probably your #1 Growth KILLER. There is a Science and Art to driving productivity.
You’re still reading so you have probably realized what does NOT work! You’ve most likely been down the coaching rabbit hole and seen the promises of how to grow your business, and hype of the “latest systems” for “scaling your business”
Does some of it work?
Probably. In the short term. But if you rely on that, you don’t have a business. You have an income stream that’s supported by a system that will keep you stuck.
And that is a waste of time. If you want to waste time go play golf. It’s more fun.
I thought hiring a coach was the path to making easy money.
Well, it wasn’t easy money.
I did operate a highly productive and profitable real estate company with consistent revenue coming in every day…but it took lots of work, frustration, and perseverance to get there.
…And it takes continued work.
So if you’re not prepared to commit to more effort than you’re expecting, I’m not your guy.

If you’re looking for a “Magic Pill”, I don’t want to work with you.
It’s important you understand that I have a proven duplicatable system. I can give you a number of strategies that will get results, I just won’t. I’ve used them repeatedly to get results with my clients, but it makes no sense for me to share them with you.
Because when I hear someone say, “What’s the fast and easy way”, what I’m really hearing is, “I’m not fully committed to the long term success of my own business …and am therefore not fully committed to the long term success of my agents and customers.” And that really means “I don’t want to work”.
Growing a business requires GRIT. Yes, when it’s all operating like a well oiled machine, it can be just like you imagined: Massive sales each month and money while you enjoy doing the things you love.
But that takes GRIT & COURAGE to create and it takes GRIT & COURAGE to maintain.
You’re Still Interested? Good.
Actionable strategies and tactics you can use in your business right now…that are proven and work, from an ACTUAL Practitioner…Me!
And if you are the right fit with me, (I don’t work with everyone) you will want to hire me immediately!
Can you believe I just told you flat out that you’re going to hire me if I am willing to take you on?
Well, why wouldn’t I tell you? I mean c’mon – I am a Leader. I get Big Results and that’s what you are here looking for, right?
My systems and strategies have added BILLIONS in sales volume to Real Estate Teams and Companies throughout the world, across all models and brands for years.
(Disclaimer: That’s only for those that are willing to do the work and I have not worked with you yet, so I don’t know how committed you are)
However – it’s always preceded by really valuable strategies and tactics you can use immediately in my blogs and videos.
That’s free.
The idea is you’ll say, “Man, this free stuff in his blogs and videos is exactly what I think I need, I think I will hire him.
Pretty simple, right?
Well, the smartest thing to do is talk to some of my past and current clients, then schedule a FREE discovery call with me.
If you like what you hear and see, you’ll probably like working with me. If you don’t like it, you won’t.
Anyways, I guess I’m supposed to do the whole, “I am the HERO” thing now so here goes;
I started my “Residential Real Estate Sales” career in 1987 by going to work for my Mom’s tiny little real estate company.
Day one she handed me the phone book and said, “Go to the yellow pages,
look up taverns, start calling and ask if they want to sell”. Fair enough, so the first tavern was “B&S Express” in Federal Way, Washington. The owner said yes, I took the listing, ran an ad that weekend, and sold it the next week. Owner contract, close in a couple weeks and collected a $13,000 check!
My 21 year old brain translated that to mean, “You’ll make $156,000(simple math of that one commission x 12 months = $156,000) in your first year and get rich really fast if you make a couple of calls from the yellow pages…

The problem was, I didn’t prospect consistently and had to sell everything I owned just to stay in the real estate business, or go out and find a job. You know the story, NO consistent prospecting = NO sales.
My back was against the wall. Pressure is a good thing when responded to with the right action. I door knocked, cold called, worked expired listings and FSBO’s… consistently and systematically. I built a very successful business.
Anyways – something wasn’t sitting right with me as I looked around the real estate industry. Agents were failing left and right and I felt leadership was doing nothing about it…or maybe they weren’t doing the right things to support agents.
I approached the manager of a large real estate company I had gone to work for and asked if I could take on the training of the new and struggling agents and in return receive a portion of their future commissions…while operating my real estate sales business. No brainer to pay me a percentage of dollars that were not currently showing up.
Fast forward, things went really well and word got out. A real estate company approached me about opening a start-up office. Things continue to go really well. I discovered real quickly the three secrets to growing a productive and profitable real estate company.
Next thing you know in 1998 the largest real estate company in town approached me to be the branch manager and run their most productive office. In my first year I took the office from 1,000 to 1,483 closings in a market that was up only 13%. The word was out, I had built massive authority in operating a productive real estate office and my work was really getting noticed. I had this growth and profitability system nailed.

My last stop was as the General Manager/EVP for a multi-state, multi-office real estate company. In one week alone, I walked over a group of agents to our company from the competitor totaling $7,200,000 in Annual Commissions!
This was before all the advanced technology and tools available to you today.
It was just … “Grit, Courage, and a Proven System I had discovered”.
While at the same time driving productivity systems for our current agents to perform and insuring high level retention.
Needless to say, my results were recognized and it was time to start teaching people how I was doing it.
And that’s how I got my start as an “elite business coach”.
Fast forward to today and I have customers and clients I’ve worked with in Europe, Asia, South Africa, Canada and The U.S.
I’m the “go to guy” for Top Real Estate Teams and Companies in the world when it comes to Growing and Operating a Highly Profitable Business.

Well, the smartest thing to do is talk to some of my past and current clients, then schedule a FREE discovery call with me.
If you like what you hear and see, you’ll probably like working with me. If you don’t like it, you won’t.
Anyways, I guess I’m supposed to do the whole, “I am the HERO” thing now so here goes;
I started my “Residential Real Estate Sales” career in 1987 by going to work for my Mom’s tiny little real estate company.
Day one she handed me the phone book and said, “Go to the yellow pages,
look up taverns, start calling and ask if they want to sell”. Fair enough, so the first tavern was “B&S Express” in Federal Way, Washington. The owner said yes, I took the listing, ran an ad that weekend, and sold it the next week. Owner contract, close in a couple weeks and collected a $13,000 check!
My 21 year old brain translated that to mean, “You’ll make $156,000(simple math of that one commission x 12 months = $156,000) in your first year and get rich really fast if you make a couple of calls from the yellow pages…

The problem was, I didn’t prospect consistently and had to sell everything I owned just to stay in the real estate business, or go out and find a job. You know the story, NO consistent prospecting = NO sales.
My back was against the wall. Pressure is a good thing when responded to with the right action. I door knocked, cold called, worked expired listings and FSBO’s… consistently and systematically. I built a very successful business.
Anyways – something wasn’t sitting right with me as I looked around the real estate industry. Agents were failing left and right and I felt leadership was doing nothing about it…or maybe they weren’t doing the right things to support agents.
I approached the manager of a large real estate company I had gone to work for and asked if I could take on the training of the new and struggling agents and in return receive a portion of their future commissions…while operating my real estate sales business. No brainer to pay me a percentage of dollars that were not currently showing up.
Fast forward, things went really well and word got out. A real estate company approached me about opening a start-up office. Things continue to go really well. I discovered real quickly the three secrets to growing a productive and profitable real estate company.
Next thing you know in 1998 the largest real estate company in town approached me to be the branch manager and run their most productive office. In my first year I took the office from 1,000 to 1,483 closings in a market that was up only 13%. The word was out, I had built massive authority in operating a productive real estate office and my work was really getting noticed. I had this growth and profitability system nailed.
My last stop was as the General Manager/EVP for a multi-state, multi-office real estate company. In one week alone, I walked over a group of agents to our company from the competitor totaling $7,200,000 in Annual Commissions!
This was before all the advanced technology and tools available to you today.
It was just … “Grit, Courage, and a Proven System I had discovered”.
While at the same time driving productivity systems for our current agents to perform and insuring high level retention.
Needless to say, my results were recognized and it was time to start teaching people how I was doing it.
And that’s how I got my start as an “elite business coach”.
Fast forward to today and I have customers and clients I’ve worked with in Europe, Asia, South Africa, Canada and The U.S.
I’m the “go to guy” for Top Real Estate Teams and Companies in the world when it comes to Growing and Operating a Highly Profitable Business.

My main focus is to help you get Productive Agents to join you and never want to leave you. Sounds simple, right? It is, we will probably discover you are overcomplicating some things and maybe aiming for the wrong target in other areas…
I am the creator of something called “Broker Team Profit Machine” which is continually attracting productive agents to your team, driving consistent production from your agents (Yes, there is a science and art to this much different from what you are probably doing right now), and the most important part, a specific system and process that RETAINS your agents. It is, in my opinion, the Holy Grail of Operating A High Functioning Profitable Business. I also focus on increasing your Authority Score in the market – which is really a fancy way of saying, “Being the #1 Destination For Productive Agents To Work and Never Leave.”
I do this by showing you the best way to genuinely and systematically
“Make Deposits In The Business Relationship Equity Account”.
Go to my home page and read some of the blogs and watch the videos on my site.
If you like what you see, sign up for a FREE Discovery Call.
Pretty simple, right?
Thanks for taking the time to learn about me and let’s get to work!
– Jon Cheplak

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